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30 HILARIOUS memes of Matt Gaetz’s disastrous new beat that have us CACKLING on the floor

30 HILARIOUS memes of Matt Gaetz’s disastrous new beat that have us CACKLING on the floor

Matt Gaetz at the 2024 Republican National Convention
Courtesy of Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

These reads should be rated R for "RUTHLESS"!


Somebody beat Matt Gaetz face, and no we don't mean literally (thankfully, we don't condone violence Mary!), but honestly the results might have been better if they had.

Gaetz who has frequently been called a human frat paddle and described as having one of the most punchable faces in Congress, fell victim to a new kind of trolling at the hand of a makeup artist who was either very new to the gig or clearly hates the man. We suspect the latter, as does the rest of the internet.

Conventions of any kind are whirlwind! It's not uncommon or unheard of to show up looking a little disheveled by day 3. It's not a crime to show up in yesterday's makeup! What is uncommon is showing up with an entirely new face, and when Gaetz showed up at the Republican National Convention looking what we'll politely call a little different, the internet started roasting.

From suggesting he requested a Butthead makeover to wondering if this is Gaetz's failed attempt to kick off his baby drag queen era, X (formerly Twitter) was dragging. Keep scrolling for some of our faves...

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Rowan Ashley Smith

Rowan Ashley Smith has often been described as "a multi-hyphenate about town." He loves work that connects him to his cultures as a gay, Jewish, multiracial trans man. Before breaking into journalism, the best days of his professional life were spent as a summer camp professional, a librarian, and an HIV prevention specialist. His work has been featured in GO Magazine,, and The Advocate. In what is left of his free time, Rowan enjoys performing stand up comedy, doing the NYT crossword, and spending time with his two partners, two children, and four cats.

Rowan Ashley Smith has often been described as "a multi-hyphenate about town." He loves work that connects him to his cultures as a gay, Jewish, multiracial trans man. Before breaking into journalism, the best days of his professional life were spent as a summer camp professional, a librarian, and an HIV prevention specialist. His work has been featured in GO Magazine,, and The Advocate. In what is left of his free time, Rowan enjoys performing stand up comedy, doing the NYT crossword, and spending time with his two partners, two children, and four cats.