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New NSFW JD Vance meme has the internet furiously googling 'Ookie Cookie' & we're HOWLING

JD Vance and scared cookie
Lev Radin/Shutterstock; Paya Mona/Shutterstock

The VP candidate should probably avoid the internet today.


Ever since JD Vance was named Donald Trump’s running mate the internet has been having an absolute field day with the senator from Ohio.

Whether it was dunking on him for his absurd and sexist comments about childless cat ladies or his rumored propensity for never being a lazy boy when it comes to sweet, sweet, couch lovin’.

And now a new meme is taking over the Twittersphere, this time it involves sweet, sweet lovemaking of a different, and literal kind.

Earlier today X (formerly Twitter) user @ComputerGay posted what looked like a news headline that read “J.D. Vance Once Lost Game of “Ookie Cookie” at Yale Fraternity.” While the headline is parody (as far as we know) it has already amassed nearly 400K views and hundreds of comments.

Not sure what “ookie cookie” is? Well, you’re not alone. Google trends showed that the search term is spiking today as folks online presumably are trying to get to the bottom of what the meme joked JD Vance was up to in his college years.

So what is it? We'll save you the Google search. According to Urban Dictionary “ookie cookie’ is “when a bunch of men gather in a circle and masterbate on a cookie and the first one who can't cum in 5 minutes has to eat the cookie.”

Listen we are not here to kink shame .. or dessert shame anyone, but we can't help but appreciate watching Vance getRick Santorumedin real-time. And let's be honest, Vance has some seriously weird beliefs along with homophobic, transphobic, and fascistic ones. Frankly eating a *ahem* frosted cookie would be the least weird thing about him.

Naturally, the internet is having a great time with this latest meme. Keep scrolling for some of our faves!

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Rachel Shatto

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Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq, and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.

Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq, and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.