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Far-right Heritage Foundation exec threatens gay furry hackers in UNHINGED rant

Far-right Heritage Foundation exec threatens gay furry hackers in UNHINGED rant

gay furry hacker group hacked in the Heritage Foundation
Zsuzsi Matolcsy/Shutterstock

Conservative Mike Howell went off the deep end when the architects of Project 2025 had their data leaked by hacktivists.

After suffering a cyber attack at the hands of self-proclaimed “gay furry hackers,” an executive from the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation threw a tantrum and threatened that they’ll be “pounded in the a** in federal prison.”

On Tuesday, the hacktivist collective SiegedSec released a trove of data stolen from the Heritage Foundation, which is responsible for Project 2025, a roadmap for rolling back LGBTQ+, women’s, and minority rights if Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November.

SiegedSec targeted the Heritage Foundation as part of their #OpTransRights campaign, which works to undermine organizations that threaten the LGBTQ+ community, The Advocate reports.

Hacker group member “vio” told CyberScoop that they wanted to provide “transparency to the public regarding who exactly is supporting” the Heritage Foundation by leaking the user names, IP addresses, and personal email addresses of people associated with the conservative think tank.

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While that seems like a worthy cause to us, Mike Howell—the executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project and an investigative columnist for the Daily Signal, the think tank’s media and commentary site—was so furious about the breach that he sent a flurry of increasingly unhinged and threatening text messages to vio in response.

After Howell refused to talk on the phone, vio wrote to the former Trump administration official and explained that SiegedSec wanted to “shine light on exactly who supports [H]eritage foundation,” Rolling Stone reports.

“That’s why you hacked us?” Howell asked. “Just for that?”

But his messages quickly turned into a pathetic attempt to threaten the anonymous hackers, writing that the Heritage Foundation would out the group members. “Reputations and lives will be destroyed. Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are,” Howell said.

Then, Howell went off the deep end, threatening SiegedSec members. “God created nature, and nature’s laws are vicious. It is why you have to put on a perverted animal costume to satisfy your sexual deviances,” he wrote. “Are you aware that you won’t be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you’re getting pounded in the a** in the federal prison I put you in next year?”

Then vio did what we all wished we could have: he taunted the ultra-conservative executive, saying that they would post Howell’s rant online.

“Please share widely,” Howell responded. “I hope the word spreads as fast as the STDs do in your degenerate furry community.”

Then he repeated a tired right-talking point, comparing furries to people who commit acts of bestiality, calling it a “sin” because, of course, he did. Republicans really need to get some new material.

Vio quipped back, “whats ur opinion on vore.” Vorarephilia or “vore” is the desire or sexual fantasy to consume or be consumed.

After this exchange was shared on X (formerly Twitter), Howell responded like a mature adult by quote-tweeting the post with the lyrics to Eminem’s “The Way I Am.”

Is this guy serious? Is he a 13-year-old on Myspace?

The hacker group that breached NATO systems and a big U.S. nuclear power plant has since said they are disbanding in apart to avoid FBI attention, Rolling Stone reports. When Howell learned about this he took to X to brag, “COMPLETE AND TOTAL VICTORY. I have forced the Gay Furry Hackers to DISBAND,” he wrote. Someone thinks they’re important.

The hacktivist group may say they’ve gone their separate ways, but hopefully, hackers who can piss off Republicans this effectively will reunite at some point.

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Ariel Messman-Rucker

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.