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10 most ridiculous and terrifying things Elon Musk said in his Tucker Carlson interview

10 most ridiculous and terrifying things Elon Musk said in his Tucker Carlson interview

Elon Musk

Remember kids: money doesn't make you smart.


Elon Musk recently sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson, exclusively on the platform he purchased and drove into the ground. And it was as nonsensical as anyone who has been paying attention to the increasingly unhinged billionaire would expect.

The two spoke for over an hour and a half, frequently diving into politics, religion, and Musk's own business ventures. Much of the time taken up by the conversation can be attributed to Musk's meandering ramblings, which were, at times, almost as difficult to follow as his buddy Donald Trump's asinine speeches.

Clips of the discussion have been making the rounds on social media, with the Tesla CEO's acolytes salivating over his alleged brilliance while the rest of the world just stares blankly, wondering why we're still pretending rich people are smart just because they can buy attention.

Anyway, here are some of the most ridiculous, horrifying, gaslighting, and frankly, terrifying things he said...this time.

"Nobody's even bothering to try to kill Kamala [Harris] because it's pointless."

Musk doubled down on his previous "joke" about the lack of assassination attempts on Vice President Harris, calling her a Democrat puppet as he and Carlson laughed.

"Honestly, [California governor Gavin Newsom is] the goddamn Joker."

"Gavin Newsom is like from Batman the Dark Knight, the Joker is in charge of Gotham," he said. "And the criminals roam free and the citizens are arrested. That's California."

"[Trump] seemed of sound mind and body and strong backbone."

Now that's a joke.

"They will try to shut it down by any means possible. They might try to pass laws. They’ll try to prosecute the company, prosecute me."

Laying the groundwork to blame the Democrats if X goes under isn't fooling anyone with half a brain. Musk has been doing a bang up job of running the platform into the ground all on his own.

Billionaires are only supporting Harris because they're afraid of the Epstein list being released.

Just a quick reminder of who WAS photographed with Epstein, repeatedly.

Well, okay, most of the list has already been released. Trump is on it. But go off?

"If Trump doesn't win this election, it's the last election we're going to have."

"My prediction is, if there’s another four years of a Dem administration, they will legalize so many illegals that the next election there won’t be any swing states, and this will be a single-party country," Musk said. And yes, you've heard this one before.

Anyway, which candidate refused to admit he lost and tried to deny the peaceful transfer of power after the last election? Anyone remember?

"The woke mind virus, it takes the place of religion and they internalize it and they feel it with religious fervor."

Musk had a whole ramble about religion and "the woke mind virus." He called himself "culturally Christian" and tried to talk around his disbelief in Christianity by mocking belief in witchcraft instead ("No one has yet been able to magic us to the moon").

"They essentially conduct like a holy war, effectively," he said of the 'woke.' "It’s just not called a religion, but it is a religion, a sort of woke holy war. And they’re highly resistant to change, as is normal for religions."

So actual religion isn't a problem, but the thing he's decided is somehow like religion is a major problem for all the reasons...actual religion has historically been a problem? Make it make sense.

“Homeless is a misnomer, it implies that someone got a little bit behind on their mortgage, and if you just gave them a job, they’d be back on their feet."

"What you actually have are violent, drug zombies with dead eyes and needles and human feces on the street," he continued. Because rich people sure love to pretend wealth is somehow a reflection of character.

"I’m fucked. If he loses, I’m fucked. How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be? ...Will I see my children? I don’t know.”

"I try to understand as much as possible about reality."

Right. And which reality is that?

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Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.