These hunks are keeping politics interesting!

@gavinnewsom Instagram; Shutterstock; @Adam_kinzinger
Listen, we know we need to pay attention to politics for the sake of our future, but it can be hard to watch the news every day when we're constantly being reminded that we're living in a dystopian hellscape, one wrong vote away from a new Lavender Scare. From the looming possibility of another four years of Donald Trump to drag bans and anti-LGBTQ+ laws cropping up so fast, it feels like playing whack-a-mole trying to fight them; it's easy to feel discouraged and be tempted to turn off the news and away from politics. But sometimes, all it takes is for a pretty face to grace our screens to get us back in the game and focused on defeating the GOP again.
Most politicians make us want to crawl out of our skin, but occasionally, there is one with enough swagger and sex appeal to turn our heads. We admit this sounds pretty shallow, but when you combine power, Democratic ideals, and a man who looks good in a suit, we start getting thirsty AF. Plus, it's much easier to watch C-SPAN or get through the millionth campaign ad we'll see before November, when there's a little eye candy to hold our attention. From Gavin Newsom's million-watt smile to Cedric Richmond's smoldering eyes to Adam Kinzinger's jawline, we're starting to wonder if we should volunteer for a political campaign or two, you know, for reasons.
So keep scrolling to see the 10 politicians who have been turning our heads lately!