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Oregon All-Girls Catholic School Revokes Job Once Learning New Counselor Is a Lesbian

Oregon All-Girls Catholic School Revokes Job Once Learning New Counselor Is a Lesbian

Oregon All-Girls Catholic School Revokes Job Once Learning New Counselor Is a Lesbian

They now say they've 'changed their policy' on LGBT staff, but her position has been refilled...

27-year-old Lauren Brown was due to start a job at St Mary's Academy in Portland, Oregon, in the fall. However, when she told members of staff she was gay, they revoked the offer of a position. Subsequently Brown rejected their severance package, which would have required her to sign a confidentiality agreement, according to the Willamette Weekly.

“To sign a contract that’s going to affect the rest of my life, and my passion for advocating for LGBT youth and LGBT people - there’s no way I could sign that,” Brown told the Willamette Weekly. “I could never live with myself.”

Protesters - mainly students and alumni - reacted by decorating a statue of Mary outside the school in pro-gay slogans and rainbow paraphernalia.

Oregon governor Kate Brown (no relation), is the first openly bisexual and first out female LGBT US governor in history. She came to power when her predecessor John Kitzhaber, the state's longest-running governor, became embroiled in a tax scandal. We look forward to hearing what she has to say about all this...

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Charlotte Dingle