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'Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden': Web Series Season 3 Features Lesbian Characters

SheWired would like to re-introduce anyone unfamiliar with this little gem of a web series to Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden, about "18 high schoolers, growing up & getting down in 1994. -- Think grunge, Doc Martens, & under-age tomfoolery."

And mid way into the second season there's even a burgeoning lesbian storyline between one of the original characters, Sarah, and a newer face in the crowd, Gwen.

Orange Juice in Bishop's Garden
(OJBG)is the brainchild of Otessa Ghadar, A DC native who originally conceived of the series as her thesis project while earning an MFA in film at Columbia.

Season 3, Episode 2

The graduation continues… It’s Kris’ big day, but Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell aren’t acting quite normal. Colin tries protect Kris by hiding their parents failing relationship. Meanwhile, Roxanne has to hold it together when she runs into her old flame the “Hot Dog Man” for the MOST uncomfortable 5 seconds ever. We also meet the new kids on the block, a few clueless freshman who are in complete awe of the graduating seniors. Oh–and seriously, have you seen Laura the Goth? NEXT WEEK… Meet and follow our new kids for the beginning of their trip down he rabbit hole.



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