The hit fashion design competition series hosted by Heidi Klum Project Runway will no longer be airing on Bravo after five seasons. The show had been caught in legal issues with NBC Universal, Bravo's owner, Weinstein Co., and Lifetime. Originally, NBC Universal sued Weinstein for making a deal with Lifetime for the series of $150 million.
The lawsuit finally settled with Weinstein pay "for the right to move Project Runway to Lifetime. All parties are pleased with the outcome," according to NBC Universal. The sixth season has already been taped, and airs this summer on Lifetime. CEO of the women's channel, Andrea Wong, said that Lifetime is "the perfect home" for the show, and the network is excited to continue the show with Klum, Tim Gunn, and the judges Nina Garcia and Michael Kors.
In September of last year, a justice of the New York Supreme Court issued an injunction temporarily stopping Weinstein from moving Project Runway, or other spin-offs, to Lifetime, and argued evidence proved Weinstein violated the "right of first refusal" NBC had for the show.
Weinstein claims a right of first refusal was not a part of the contract, and that NBC Universal was outbid when they were offered the deal, according to AP on Yahoo News.