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Lesbian Bloggers' '8 Against 8 Campaign' Exceeds Goal in Battle to Defeat Gay Marriage Ban

Lesbian Bloggers' '8 Against 8 Campaign' Exceeds Goal in Battle to Defeat Gay Marriage Ban

Three days ago, eight lesbian bloggers set out to raise $8,000 in eight days to help defeat Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that seeks to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in the State of California. What happened next exceeded their expectations. Donations started rolling in by the thousands of dollars per day. Less than three full days into the campaign, the eight bloggers against Prop 8 reached their initial goal of $8,000.

A grassroots online fundraising campaign against Proposition 8 by eight lesbian bloggers has already shattered its fundraising goal less than midway through the campaign.

Three days ago, eight lesbian bloggers set out to raise $8,000 in eight days to help defeat Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that seeks to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in the State of California.

Bloggers Grace Chu and Grace Rosen of Grace the Spot, Pam Spaulding of Pam’s House Blend, Dorothy Snarker of Dorothy Surrenders, Lori Hahn ofHahn At Home, Kelly Leszczynski of The Lesbian Lifestyle, Sinclair of Sugarbutch Chronicles, Riese of This Girl Called Automatic Win, and Renee Gannon of Lesbiatopia formed the 8 Against 8 Campaign to call on the public to donate to the "No to Prop. 8” campaign and help defeat the anti-gay marriage measure come Election Day, which if it passes, will nullify thousands of now legal same sex marriages and make it illegal once again for lesbian and gay couples to marry in California.

What happened next exceeded their expectations.

Donations started rolling in by the thousands of dollars per day. Less than three full days into the campaign, the eight bloggers against Prop 8 reached their initial goal of $8,000.

“I am still in shock at how quickly and effectively the community responded to the 8 Against 8 campaign,” said Renee Gannon of “The money donated and the excitement generated in three short days have far surpassed what I ever could have imagined that we would accomplish in eight days, never mind three.”

The eight bloggers intend to continue raising money for No on Prop 8 through the “8 Against 8” campaign, expressing the urgency of fighting Proposition 8.

“We’re going to keep ‘8 Against 8’ going for the full eight days,” said Grace Chu of and

“Equality California’s No on Prop 8 campaign needs every cent they can get to defeat this atrocious ballot initiative,” she continued. “We cannot afford to lose our momentum in this crucial time leading up to the election. We’ve smashed our goal of $8,000. Now let’s keep the donations coming in to smash Proposition 8.”

Dorothy Snarker of and echoed Chu’s sentiments. "Reaching our goal in three days is amazing and a testament to the generosity and passion of all of our readers,” said Snarker. “But just because we reached $8,000 doesn't mean we should stop pushing for more. Polls show the 'Yes' and 'No' votes are almost dead-even. We can't let intolerance win because we couldn't afford to fight hatred head-on."

L. A. Vess, Managing Editor of GayWired Media, which includes the lesbian-oriented site, stated: "The fight to defeat Prop 8 and other initiatives like it across the country now and in the future truly has to begin at the individual level. These bloggers are doing what we should all do when we are moved by a cause and see our human rights in danger -- get out on the front lines and make things happen. Sitting on the sidelines just isn't going to cut it anymore. I applaud these extraordinary women for their dedicated efforts to protect equality for all."

The 8 Against 8 fundraising effort continues through October 27th. Donations can be made at the following URL: 100% of all donations made through “8 Against 8” goes directly to Equality California’s No on Prop 8 campaign.

* With additions by Ann Turner

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