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Facebook Reverses Ad Rejection of 'And Then Came Lola'

Facebook Reverses Ad Rejection of 'And Then Came Lola'

The battle to gain approval of ads for the Fast Girl Films movie And Then Came Lola, staring Cathy Debuono, Jill Bennett, and Ashleigh Sumner, ended in victory Tuesday.  In an email to the film makers, Facebook apologized and explained how to resume posting of the ads.

The battle to gain approval of ads for the Fast Girl Films movie And Then Came Lola ended in victory for everyone involved in the film. In an email to the film makers, Facebook apologized and explained how to resume posting of the ads.

"Thanks for contacting us about this. Your ad has now been re-reviewed and approved. We apologize for any inconvenience. If your campaign is currently paused, the ads in the campaign cannot be unpaused until the campaign is active again. To resume the campaign, click the "edit" link next to the campaign. You should then be able to resume the individual ads."

And Then Came Lola's Facebook Page sent an update to fans saying "Fast Girl Films (and the entire "Lola" gang) want to say a big thank you to all of you who helped us show Facebook who WE are and that WE matter. Just shows what happens when a village comes together. Now, back to the fun stuff...the film and sharing it with the rest of you!!!!"

Want to read more about the rejection by Facebook of the ads for And Then Came Lola? Catch up here!

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Boo Jarchow