Famous Anti-Gay Priest Shoved Offstage During Live TV Broadcast
Rachel Kiley
Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.
Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.
An anti-gay priest in Brazil was violently shoved offstage at a youth camp this weekend.
Father Marcelo Rossi was preaching to around 50,000 youths in Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo on Sunday when a woman somehow got up on stage and pushed him right over the edge.
A live television broadcast captured the event, along with the horrified reaction of all those watching the incident occur.
It’s unclear exactly why the unidentified woman flew at Father Rossi, but some are claiming he had just said something translating to “fat women don’t go to heaven.”
Police are saying the woman is believed to have mental health issues, and gave an account of the incident that didn’t make much sense.
“She said that she wanted to come in to talk to him and that she was scared the moment she saw the security guards running after her,” one officer said.
Father Rossi was unharmed, and ultimately finished delivering his sermon just a few moments later.
The Brazilian priest is quite well-known for his books, music recordings (yes, he’s that kind of priest), and radio show. But he’s also well-known among the LGBTQ community for his repeated remarks against homosexuality.
“A lot of ideas will change the day homosexuality is proven to be an illness,” he said on TV in 1998.
He also has vehemently opposed same-sex marriage and made other anti-gay remarks throughout his career.
While violence is never the answer, considering Father Rossi wasn't actually harmed, and is kind of terrible, the internet is taking the incident in stride.
\u201cWhen the priest starts preaching an anti-gay sermon https://t.co/Ivn0O6XV96\u201d