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8 Stages of Filing Your First Tax Return As a Lesbian or Bi Married Couple

8 Stages of Filing Your First Tax Return As a Lesbian or Bi Married Couple

8 Stages of Filing Your First Tax Return As a Lesbian or Bi Married Couple

There are still a few more hours to file...

Being married has its perks and apparently filing taxes together is one of them. But before your big pay off there are a few stages you have to go through...

8. Denial.

This is easy, it's just like doing taxes for myself...just adding another person. Right?

7. Excitement.

Woohoo! We are married now so we will get SO many deductions!

6. Disappointment.

Ok, maybe not so many deductions...

5. Frustration.

Actually, no real deductions at all. What was the point of us getting married anyway? Oh right. We love each other.

4. Confusion.

So we aren't actually considered married federally but we file federal taxes together? How about state taxes?

3.  Anger.

Damn it! Receipts? Who has time to save receipts?

2. Procrastination.

Taxes are due today?!! Why didn't anyone tell me???

1. Pure joy.

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All that work finally paid off and we are getting PAID!!!

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Bianca Rosen Siegel