Cara Delevigne Opens Up About Her Relationship with St. Vincent in Vogue
Yezmin Villarreal
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>
<p>Yezmin always has a coffee in her hand. She's a writer from Phoenix, AZ, who is interested in the intersection of race, sex, and gender in pop culture.</p>
Cara Delevigne is on the cover of the July issue of Vogue, where she opens up about her early struggles with her sexuality and her current relationship with indie singer, Annie Clark aka St. Vincent.
During the interview, she revealed that her relationship with Clark is a big reason she's happy:
“I think that being in love with my girlfriend is a big part of why I’m feeling so happy with who I am these days. And for those words to come out of my mouth is actually a miracle.”
“But I have erotic dreams only about men. I had one two nights ago where I went up to a guy in the back of a VW minivan, with a bunch of his friends around him, and pretty much jumped him.”
“Women are what completely inspire me, and they have also been my downfall. I have only been hurt by women, my mother first of all."
Delevigne says that she isn't ruling out the possibility of marrying a guy but she is "scared to death" of finding a guy who will "truly" know her:
“The thing is,” she continues, “if I ever found a guy I could fall in love with, I’d want to marry him and have his children. And that scares me to death because I think I’m a whole bunch of crazy, and I always worry that a guy will walk away once he really, truly knows me.”
Either way, we wish Clark and Delevigne the best! They are so cute together.