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NBC on SheWired: Why Fly Wi-Fi? - Video

NBC on SheWired: Why Fly Wi-Fi? - Video

Southwest Airlines is working to put Wi-Fi internet connection on every one of more than 500 planes in their fleet. After take-off, the system is set to turn on automatically at 10,000 feet and allow passengers to get online. In the battle to gain more passengers, Wi-Fi is the latest front. Everyday, airlines are buying more and more of the expensive systems. American Airlines is currently wiring dozens of 737s, Southwest is adding satellite domes on two more planes every week.

Southwest Airlines is working to put Wi-Fi internet connection on every one of more than 500 planes in their fleet. After take-off, the system is set to turn on automatically at 10,000 feet and allow passengers to get online. 

In the battle to gain more passengers, Wi-Fi is the latest front. Everyday, airlines are buying more and more of the expensive systems. American Airlines is currently wiring dozens of 737s, Southwest is adding satellite domes on two more planes every week.

Some passengers are still slow to jump on board. Prices to log on range from $5 to $13, depending on the length of the flight. A recent study showed that only 1 in 50 airline passengers actually use Wi-Fi, but it hasn't stopped airlines from continuing to invest in the installation of more devices. The companies know that their best customers are the ones who use it the most, and it pays off as its a key part of flyers' brand loyalty. 

Some passengers log on and handle emails and work so that once they arrive at their destination, they are ready for business. Business customers, the ones who pay the most for seats, are the biggest Wi-Fi users. However, leisure travelers are also catching on to the Wi-Fi perks, as they use the connection for checking Facebook, watching videos on YouTube, and downloading music on iTunes. 

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