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For Eureka, finding herself, her trans identity, and sobriety was better than winning any crown

Eureka on the main stage
Courtesy of World of Wonder

The Canada vs. the World star tells PRIDE why she feels peaceful for the first time. Plus, she spills on tension with Alexis, her friendship with Miss Fiercalious, and why she loves reading her sisters to filth.


Eureka’s journey on Drag Race has been of the most fascinating and unique of the franchise. Rarely do we get to spend this much time with a queen, to watch her grow, see her struggle, and witness her evolve into the person she was always meant to be.

There’s no question that the queen we met on season nine of Drag Race is a very different person than who sashayed away on Canada vs. the World season two. There was a hunger and competitive spirit that caused friction between her cast mates in her earlier forays into the Werk Room that was replaced with the peace, humility, and stillness she exudes now.

It’s the kind of aura that can only be obtained by fighting the battles and personal demons that prevent us from being and embracing who we really are. While Eureka might not have snatched that crown and title, she would be the first person to say what she’s received is far more priceless.

When asked about this new energy, Eureka nods in agreement. “I think that’s just true in my life in general. Before, I was always the person who was constantly trying to connect, move on to the next thing, like, ‘How am I going to promote this or do that? Or release some new project or song or video.’ Just desperately wanting to continue to build my career. I was almost, like, addicted to that, too. That attention and that validation. I think that finding some personal validation within myself has been very important for my personal health and my personal confidence,” she tells PRIDE. “I kind of got to a point where I realized maybe I don’t need this validation of the crown and all these things as well. I wanted to tell my story to this fan base and present myself like this. people are learning who I am, just like I am.”

It wasn’t just the audience who noticed the change — her fellow sisters also could see that Eureka, now out as trans and newly sober, is more joyful and, well, congenial, and they awarded her with the Miss Congeniality title this season, which felt very deserved.

PRIDE sat down with Eureka to talk about how this season has been different because she’s different, but why she still won’t hesitate to read a bitch. She also opened up about the moving reason for her friendship with Miss Fiercalicous and that spicy moment with Alexis.

Eureka in her elephant look

Courtesy of World of Wonder

PRIDE: I’m so excited to have you back on my TV. I’ve missed terribly and whenever we get an excuse to spend time with you, I am seated.

EUREKA: Oh, thank you so much. It’s been interesting, too for me. I’m like, oh, yeah, I guess I’m good at this!

Of course you are. I’m curious, though. This was the first time that you’ve ever not been judged by Michelle and RuPaul, how was that experience different for you?

It’s definitely different. I think that there’s like a motherly energy. I call RuPaul mama and Michelle daddy so there’s a lack of parental [feeling]. But at the same time it was really amazing to get to work in front of Brooke Lynn [Hytes], whom I’ve known for a long time. Brad is a really great guy and Tracy was lovely. All the judges were really great. It was definitely different though, it’s a different energy. It’s almost more intimidating because it’s a peer versus someone you look up to, and you’re like, ‘Ooh, I want to impress mom.’ Now it’s like, ‘Ooh, girl, it’s one of my sisters, honey. I know she’s gonna read me to death.’

I love it. I’m curious when you look back at the season, do you have a favorite moment?

Yeah. It was just being honest and saying I just don’t want to lip-sync. No, I’m just kidding. I was just being real, bitch. No, I think it’s just being myself and not in a way where it was like, ‘I need to push my narrative and push my personality.’ I was just very relaxed into who I am. So I’m just proud of everything I brought and each moment. I was also really proud to get to talk about my transness and the journey that I’ve experienced.

Eureka on the main stage

Courtesy of World of Wonder

A lot has changed in your life since the last time you were on TV. You’re living your best trans life. You’re opening up about sobriety. Did it make it easier or harder for you this time?

It was harder in a way, because I felt like I had a story to tell that I was really dying to tell. So, it was just very much on my mind. But [it was] also easier in a way where just more comfortable. It didn’t have me in such [a place of]’ I need to prove myself’ competitive spirit, which is really just where I’m at in my life, in general. I’m becoming very comfortable and safe and solid in what I’ve done so far, and who I am today and what I want to do next. I think that that might have brought a different energy than was expected in my competition, but at the same time it was nice to get to, like, relax and really get to be present in the moments and experience these people and develop really good relationships, too.

Speaking of making connections, if there’s one thing Eureka’s gonna do, it’s make a new bestie in the Werk Room.

I know I always have a bestie! I think it’s because, in my real life I’m not a big, huge social circle person. I’m a very social person, don’t get me wrong, I’m very outgoing and extroverted in those social situations. But when it comes to personally connecting, I usually like my group small. I’m a loyal friend. So it is very much my MO to find one good person that I feel like I can trust.

I also have horrible trust issues. Life has given me that. So if I feel like there’s not some honesty, some truth and a little trust there, then I just don’t connect. So I always find that one. La Kahena, someone that I was drawn to in the beginning. But as far as someone I felt like I could trust was going to be honest with me, and I knew who they were, because they would present it loudly and proudly and not care. It was very much [Miss Fiercalicious], very quickly. Yeah, we were both the pretty girls. I love finding the pretty girl to be besties with.

Fierce and Eureka hug

Courtesy of World of Wonder

You also had some spicy moments, in particular when you said you didn’t want to lip-sync and Alexis had some feelings about it. How do you feel about that moment looking back?

Even in the moment I told her my goal is not to hurt your feelings. That is definitely not my goal. My goal is to not lip sync. I was worn out. I’m big. We did the entrance, we did this runway. I’m changing makeup. I was pooped. I did not want to have to send anybody home. It’s the first episode, If I lip sync, whoever I’m lip syncing against is going to the house. The truth was I felt like, maybe, if I’m just honest, that I just don’t want to, then the person will be like, ‘You know what? That’s real. Here’s the beaver.’ Maybe honesty is always the best policy. [Laughs]

I love it! It made me laugh. Speaking of laughing, let’s talk about that new reading challenge format. I loved it but it also meant you only really got to read one of the girls. Was there anyone else you were dying to let have it?

Honestly, I would have loved to read them all to filth. Why not? The reading challenge is always the funnest because it’s your turn to go around and pick at everybody. With reading, there’s always a slight piece of shade and truth. So you get to pick at people that you maybe have a little built up aggression towards. [Laughs] I would have loved to let Little Miss Alexis have it! [Laughs]

Eureka in the reading challenge

Courtesy of World of Wonder

I love it! The reading challenge was so fun and really competitive, it really came down to one joke about Princess Fiona that you and Cheryl both had in your books. Did neither of you really know the other was planning to use that read?

I don’t know what happened. I swear. because, listen, Alexis gave me that joke actually, last minute. Apparently Lemon gave her that joke. So I’m like, ‘Was this predetermined?

Do you think it was sabotage?

I always think everything is sabotage! [Laughs] I’m like, yeah, of course it was, you horrible monsters!

There was one joke I didn’t get, it was something about human trafficking?

It was supposed to be like ‘Cheryl in drag, she’s so lovely out of drag, she’s got the face and demeanor of someone working in human trafficking or something. She’s giving that, like, 40 year old kidnapper vibe.

Ohhh! So she’s the kidnapper?

Yes! For the UK!

Eureka wins Miss Congieniality

Courtesy of World of Wonder

Oh my god, I’m dying! Well I know you said you’re slowing down a bit. But if I know you, you’ve got something in the works! What’s next for Eureka?

I'm working on some writing projects. I'm gonna be releasing a book next year. I'm super excited about, some fiction, which I'm excited about. I'm actually right now in rehearsal for a new show at The Linq, The Disco Show. It's actually a scripted show. So I'm back in Vegas on the strip doing a new scripted show. It's crazy amazing. Y'all have to come check it out!

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Rachel Shatto

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Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq. She's a GALECA member and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.

Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq. She's a GALECA member and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.