While living in Provincetown for the summer, I’ve been dancing in the evenings to make some extra cash. It is a TON of fun, you get to meet new people, you always work up quite a sweat after shaking your booty for a few hours, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love the attention. If you’re visiting PTown, definitely come to Purgatory, and shove some dollars bills in my thong. But that’s besides the point. What is the point? How to properly engage with a go-go dancer.
Despite being staples in the queer community, dancing at gay clubs all across the world, there seems to be some confusion about how to tip and treat your go-go dancer. Here’s everything go-go dancers want you to know (and do)!
1. Tip us
Strike A Pose Mic Drop GIF by FILMRISE - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphyLet’s start with the obvious. We LOVE tips. If you’re worried or embarrassed about tipping us, please don’t be. If you think it’s degrading, it’s not degrading. I do it because I love to dance, I love being the center of attention, and I love people touching me. I do it because it brings me enjoyment and I feel empowered and sexy. I also do it for money. So, please, please, tip.
2. You can touch us
But tip us if you touch us. There is a fine line with regards to touching. Don’t go insane. Don’t finger our assholes. But tip, and feel free to touch, especially what we put out. By that, I mean, that if you walk over, and the go-go dancer gets on his knees presenting his crotch to you. Place the tip in his frontal area, and feel free to lightly touch. Petting the chest. That’s always fair game. A butt squeeze is also fabulous, but please remember to just tip.
3. We can hear you
While we may not necessarily talk to you (many of us will), we can absolutely hear what you’re saying. So please, do not talk shit about us directly in front of us. We do like hearing, though, “Oh my God, he’s so sexy.” So yes, feel free to say that as many times as possible.
4. Do not get up on stage with us
Sorry, love. That’s a big no-no, and also an issue with safety. If your drunk ass falls off stage and you hurt yourself, we get in big trouble. We don’t want the club to be liable. Besides, you have the whole floor to dance. Let us have our little podium.
5. Do not fart and walk away
Schitts Creek No GIF by CBC - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphySeriously guys? It reeks. Please fart away from the dancers.
6. Don’t be afraid to interact
We won’t bite. I see so many guys who look like they want to interact, or a friend will come over and tip us on their behalf. We’re friendly, I promise. We’re here because we like the attention. We like flirting. Please, come on over and say hi.
7. We prefer tips to buying us drinks
A lot of guys offer to buy me a drink. Of course I say yes, and I schmooze for a little bit, but a there are a couple of things to consider at this point. First, odds are, we already get free free drinks. We’d prefer if you just tipped us the 12 bucks you spent on the drink. Second, we should be dancing, and not schmoozing. If you still want to schmooze with us by the time we’re off the clock, yes of course, feel free to do so. But while we’re on stage, it’s not such a great time.
8. Tip us again

See a pattern here? We’re not making much, so please, please, please, tip us would ya?