Ever since her debut in 2008's animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano has become one of the most popular, beloved characters in the entire Star Wars franchise. Though she has been a part of many of the media empire's many animated titles, she has yet to make an appearance in any of the live-action films and shows—but according to an exclusive from Slash Film, that's going to be changing soon thanks to The Mandalorian.
The film blog is reporting that Rent and Daredevil star Rosario Dawson is set to play the fan-favorite Jedi warrior in the upcoming second season of Disney+'s latest Star Wars project.
While this normally would be good news, especially for fans who have been waiting years to see Ahsoka kick some ass IRL, unfortunately, Dawson's casting has many queer Star Wars fans very concerned, especially since news of a recent lawsuit she's a part of resurfaced...
According to a report by NBC News, a lawsuit was filed by Dedrek Finley (a transgender handyman who worked for Dawson) in a Los Angeles court in October 2019 that alleges Dawson and three of her family members discriminated against and physically assaulted Finley after he came out to them as trans.
"[The family] was never expecting me to take a stand for myself," Finley said in an interview with Out back in November about the suit, which is currently still ongoing. "I always hoped there would be some reconciliation, but when it goes physical, that’s it. You have to take a stand for yourself...not only for myself but for the community."
Naturally, people took to Twitter to voice their concerns, even offering up some alternative casting ideas for who can play Ahsoka...