We're FINALLY Getting the Black Widow Movie We've Always Wanted
We're FINALLY Getting the 'Black Widow' Movie We've Always Wanted

Better late than never??
January 17 2018 1:59 PM EST
November 08 2024 5:17 AM EST
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We're FINALLY Getting the Black Widow Movie We've Always Wanted
Better late than never??
Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow first showed up in 2010’s Iron Man 2 as the red-headed Russian assassin from Marvel’s comic pages. Now, in 2018, we finally have conformation that she will be starring in her own movie! And it only took another Iron Man film, three Thor movies, three Captain American films, two Ant-Man films, three Guardians of the Galaxy films, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and another Spider-Man franchise to get made first!
While Marvel was twiddling their thumbs deciding if viewers could handle a movie with a badass woman, DC managed to hit it out of the ball park with the first female-led superhero film, Wonder Woman (their best offering so far). The hit made Marvel’s lack of entries in the race even starker.
While Marvel somehow managed to drop the ball of producing the first female-run entry in their movie universe, despite having a nearly a decade long lead since the start of the MCU, they are finally getting around to showcasing some of the many amazing females of the Marvel universe! Along with Black Widow, Marvel is also hitting the screen next year with the upcoming Captain Marvel film, staring Brie Larson as the titular character.
Little is known about the Black Widow movie thus far. It is part of Marvel’s Phase 4 which hasn’t been fully announced yet (meaning it’ll come out sometime after 2019 when Phase 3 ends). It’s probably a safe bet to say it’ll star Scarlett Johansson, although Marvel has been known to recast (just ask Terrence Howard). Jac Schaeffer has been tapped to write, and although she has never written for Marvel before, she has done work with Disney with the short Olaf’s Frozen Adventure. The upcoming Red Sparrow film has been noted by many comic fans to match up with Black Widow’s past as a highly-trained Russian spy. That, coupled with the fact that the Marvel Cinematic Universe just procured access to a whole bunch of new Marvel characters through Disney’s purchase of Fox’s properties, means that there’s a lot of potential storylines and new characters on the table.
What would you like to see in the upcoming Black Widow movie? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter! And check out the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War below!
Terra Necessary is an artist, teacher, giant nerd, and probably an alien. She lives with her wife and too many kittens right outside of Denver when she isn’t traveling around the US peddling art with the Atomic Pixies, her comic collective.
Terra Necessary is an artist, teacher, giant nerd, and probably an alien. She lives with her wife and too many kittens right outside of Denver when she isn’t traveling around the US peddling art with the Atomic Pixies, her comic collective.