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20 couples celebrate Black gay love by sharing ADORABLE photos in this thread

20 couples celebrate Black gay love by sharing ADORABLE photos in this thread

Black gay couples photos on social media Black queer joy
Courtesy of Mike and Kodi; TikTok @michaelanthony2225; TikTok @fin3sse90

The queer joy is contagious!

Black gay couples photos on social media Black queer joy

Courtesy of Mike and Kodi; TikTok @michaelanthony2225; TikTok @fin3sse90

Gay relationships are too often either fetishized, demonized, or totally ignored by society, and that’s even more true for Black queer couples.

But when someone made a post on X saying, “I love seeing black gays in a relationship,” followed by “Met the cutest lil gay couple last night and it triggered something in me,” tons of Black gay couples flooded the comment section with adorable photos documenting their love.

These Black gay couples are living loud and proud and celebrating their love for everyone to see. While it shouldn’t take an act of bravery to post a simple adorable couple’s pic in 2024, the division in this country and the hateful rhetoric spewing from the Republican Party means Black queer joy is still an act of resistance.

“It is such a blessing that we are finally in a moment in time where we feel free as a community to openly celebrate Black Queer love and connection. There are many ancestors who came b4 us who hid and fought so we can,” commented actress Dalila Ali Rajah who created the @BlackQueerJoy Instagram account, which catalogs moments of Black joy captured in photographs.

From couples who just got together back in January to men who have been in love for a decade, the sweet and loving couple photos will bring a smile to your face. By showcasing Black gay love stories, these couples are bringing more joy into the world and proving the skeptics (and bigots) wrong one photo at a time.

Keep scrolling to see the gay couples showing us what Black queer joy looks like!

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Ariel Messman-Rucker

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.

Ariel Messman-Rucker is an Oakland-born journalist who now calls the Pacific Northwest her home. When she’s not writing about politics and queer pop culture, she can be found reading, hiking, or talking about horror movies with the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network.