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Tom Daley shows off the sweater he's been knitting for the Paris Olympics

Tom Daley shows off the sweater he's been knitting for the Paris Olympics

Tom Daley
Fred Duval/Shutterstock

And yes, he starts the video shirtless.


Tom Daley will be leaving the Paris Olympics with more than just a medal to show off to the folks back home after spending his time there knitting a commemorative sweater.

The champion diver revealed his finished work on TikTok and Instagram Wednesday.

"You got 'Paris 24' on the front with the French and the British flags on the bottom, and then 'Daley' on the back," he said.

Additionally, he highlighted his initials, "TD," on one sleeve, with a "5" on the other to signify his fifth time competing in the Olympics.

"Nice and boxy fit. It's comfy," he said after putting it on. "Far too hot to be wearing this in Paris, but I thought I'd do a little reveal of all the things I've been making. It's always so fun to be able to have this as a little bit of a memory from my time here in Paris. But I think it's cute."

Daley had been spotted working on the sweater on the sidelines during the early days of this year's Olympics. He'd done something similar during the Tokyo Olympics, held in 2021.

This was Daley's fifth turn at the Olympics, and he also earned his fifth medal, coming in second in the 10 meter platform synchronized event with his partner Noah Williams.

It was a surprise return to the competition after he had initially announced his retirement following his gold medal win in Tokyo. But last August, he revealed that his son had inspired him to give it another go.

"I went to Paris because Robbie wanted to see his dad at the Olympics," he said during a recent interview on This Morning. "He said, 'I want to see you dive.' I thought I was done after Tokyo, but when I decided to go again, my husband was so supportive of it."

As for whether this one will be his last or not, Daley doesn't seem sure.

"I thought I was done after the last one and here I am, so… Robbie has already cashed in his token, so maybe Phoenix will want to cash in a token," he said, referring to his daughter "Who knows?"

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Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.