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Troye Sivan drops a new femme photo & the fans are going FERAL

Troye Sivan
lev radin/Shutterstock

“Uh ohhhhh.”


Troye Sivan knows exactly what he is doing! And there are no complaints to be found.

The “Rush” singer took to Instagram today to post a very interesting photo that as always has his fans going positively feral.

The photo in question is a mirror selfie that sees the singer in full girlie realness, with a full mug of makeup and a long blonde wig. Mama is looking sawft!

In the caption Sivan simply wrote, “Uh ohhhhh.”

This isn't the first time Sivan has shown us his femme side. Previously we saw the look in his “One of Your Girls” video alongside our forever crush Ross Lynch.

While we don’t know exactly what this look is for, yet, we will be watching and waiting — and in the meantime the fans are going wild in the comments.

“not saying you should split tour dates between 50% boy troye shows and 50% girl troye shows but . its a suggestion,” wrote one commenter. “TROYANA IS SO BACK YASSSSSS,” wrote a second. And speaking for the entire internet “That’s mother,” added another.

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Rachel Shatto

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Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq, and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.

Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq, and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.