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Kehlani’s ex alleges the singer is in a sex cult & petitions for full custody (updated)


“[It] appears this cult controls her actions and her behavior, including when it comes to the upbringing of our daughter.”


(Story updated 8/6/2024)

SingerKehlani’s ex Javaughn Young-White has officially filed a paternity suit for full custody of their daughter, Adeya, alleging the singer is involved with a cult.

According to court documents obtained by Page Six, Young-White alleges that he was left off the birth certificate for their 5-year-old daughter as a result of manipulation by the cult. He alleges that the Kehlani did so through a home birth orchestrated by "what I would describe as a cult” claims Young-White

While the couple currently split custody of Adeya Young-White has become increasingly concerned about his ex’s connection to the alleged cult. “[It] appears this cult controls her actions and her behavior, including when it comes to the upbringing of our daughter,” he writes in the filing.

His statement continues that for the last five years, he has been requesting a copy of his daughter's birth certificate and to have his name added to the document, but has been unsuccessful in doing so. He also accuses the singer of refusing to provide him with his daughter's social security number, though he has doubts that she even has one based on "[Kehlani’s] actions and behavior.”

The court documents provided some details of the alleged cult that Young-White claims Kehlani is a member of. “The cult leader, who goes by the name of Neto, convinced Respondent that he had a vision that I was a danger to our daughter and would kill her, and thereafter banned Respondent from allowing me to see Adeya,” according to the filing.

“Based on this ‘vision’ by her cult leader, Respondent prevented me from seeing our daughter for months,” continued Young-White who went on to assert that Neto is facing “numerous accusations of committing sexual assault against women and young girls.”

Young-White also alleges that Kehlani permits members of the cult to bathe with their daughter while on psychedelic drugs, and leaves the child in their care while she’s on tour. “Additionally, several details which I recently discovered of what our daughter has to endure when her mother, who is a famous singer, is out on tour is quite alarming to me, forcing me to file this petition,” said Young-White

“When I discovered this on her birthday in 2023, I was physically restrained and threatened by members of the ‘cult’ when I attempted to retrieve our daughter,” he claims in the filing.

“I also learned that Respondent allows a member of the cult that she calls ‘Messiah,’ an adult woman, to take baths with Adeya while being under the influence of psychedelic drugs.”

Young-White is requesting full custody, and child support, for his name to be added to Adeya’s birth certificate and for Kehlani to undergo a psychological exam.

Kehlani has not yet publicly responded to Young-White’s claims.

Updated 8/6: Kehlani released a response to the claim and the news coverage via her Instagram stories.

"What has been published in the media over the past 24 hours is incredibly hurtful, inaccurate, inappropriate, and simply untrue. I wanted to take the time to ensure that I responded to these accusations from a calm and considered space rather than a reactive one," she begins in the post.

"I strongly deny any claims that I have put my child in harm's way, or left my child alone with anyone deemed dangerous or unsafe. I also do not align with any of the allegations made against my former religious community that have been stated in the media.

"I have always taken great care to ensure that my child remains protected and safe at all times. My child and my commitment to motherhood have always been my sole driving forces in this life and will always remain so.

"This is who I am and what I have always been focused on.

"This is a legal, private, familial matter that will be handled accordingly, and I will now be taking space for my own personal well-being and, most importantly, for the well-being of my child.

"Thank you for your support and for respecting our privacy," she writes. "I will not be commenting further and will let the legal due process take place."

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Rachel Shatto

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Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq. She's a GALECA member and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.

Rachel Shatto, Editor in Chief of, is an SF Bay Area-based writer, podcaster, and former editor of Curve magazine, where she honed her passion for writing about social justice and sex (and their frequent intersection). Her work has appeared on Dread Central, Elite Daily, Tecca, and Joystiq. She's a GALECA member and she podcasts regularly about horror on the Zombie Grrlz Horror Podcast Network. She can’t live without cats, vintage style, video games, drag queens, or the Oxford comma.