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Julia Fox bows out of project after five years due to a misogynistic and racist director

Julia Fox reveals she's exited a 5-year project over a shocking conversation with the director

Julia Fox calls out racist and misogynistic director

For now, she's only hinting at his identity, but reveals the racist and misogynistic things he's said.


We were all gagged a few weeks ago when Julia Fox came out as a lesbian on TikTok, but she’s back at it again to shock us with an alleged “racist” conversation that caused her to bow out from a project she’s been working on for the last five years.

The Uncut Gems actress and model returned to the platform to tell us all about the “craziest thing” that happened to her and how she’s being “gaslit on such an insane scale.” She detailed how she’s given emotional and creative contributions to the project in question and how she “even brought on like a major, major A-list icon to play alongside me.”

Everything, she said, was great, until a “white man director came in.”

Said director remains nameless, but she proceeds to read notes she’s taken from their conversation. She said when she vocalized a need for diversity in the project, the director fought her on the idea and said racism was a thing of the past.

According to Fox, when she brought up the need for diversity, the director said, “Why? White people have it really hard, too. Plus, diversity casting is like using Black people as puppets.”

She went on to detail how the director said that white people “don’t have a duty to cast Black people because so many Black projects happen and Asian projects and nobody gets mad that there’s no white people in that cast. Turn on Netflix, turn on any streamer, it’s all Black projects. Go to India, all the movies in India have all Indian people, nobody gets mad that they don’t have diversity.”

Fox said the whole conversation was “giving Proud Boy, it was giving ‘All Lives Matter,’ it was giving white supremacy, and at that point I was done arguing.”

She also said the director showed a misogynistic side by telling her he thought she was just trying to direct the project herself. In the end, she decided it was better for her mental health and her beliefs to walk away from the project completely.


SMDH 🤮🤮🤮

As of now, Fox hasn't revealed the identity of this person, though she did post a follow-up video with some clues sprinkled in as to who it may be.

So far, we know he's made two movies, and we also know he's no longer attached to this project anymore, either. She also added a little fuel to the "what's going on here?" fire when she said a longtime friend of hers who had been writing the script with her had chosen him over her.

She definitely leaves us all with a good warning about getting things in writing, because you never know who's really out to get you.

We’re sorry to hear about the crumbling of a project she put so much effort into, but we’re proud of her for standing up for what’s right and continuing the conversation of inclusivity. Check out her story on the matter below.


Update on situation

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Andrew J. Stillman

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Andrew J. Stillman is a freelance writer and yoga instructor exploring the world. Check him out at or follow him @andrewjstillman on all the things.

Andrew J. Stillman is a freelance writer and yoga instructor exploring the world. Check him out at or follow him @andrewjstillman on all the things.