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Gay Cavemen Love "Samesies" Sex as Much as You Do

Gay Cavemen Love "Samesies" Sex as Much as You Do

Gay Cavemen Love "Samesies" Sex as Much as You Do

"Basically, when we do samesies, no people come out."


You can't deny, without some heterosexual mattress mambo, none of us would be here. But that doesn't stop many of us from really (really) loving some "samesies" sex, too!

But what if everyone loved only samesies sex as much as us? Where would the people come from?

This hilarious video sketch asks this exact question, as a group of cavemen and cavewomen discuss "samesies," "people juice" and how to make "people come out."


Gay Days Anaheim 2024Out / Advocate Magazine - Jonathan Groff and Wayne Brady

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Dustin Diehl

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.

Dustin loves writing, reading, and movies, and is basically a cat lady. He's passionate about travel, but most of all, he's obsessed with a little space opera called Star Wars.