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Jonathan Van Ness Splits From Boyfriend Wilco Froneman

Jonathan Van Ness Splits From Boyfriend Wilco Froneman

Jonathan Van Ness Splits From Boyfriend Wilco Froneman

A series of Instagram posts between the two got messy.


One of everyone’s Fab Five faves, Jonathan Van Ness, announced on Instagram that he and his rugby player boyfriend Wilco Froneman have called it quits.

“She taught me love, she taught me patience, how she handles pain, that shits amazing,” he captioned, riffing on Ariana Grande’s ‘thank u, next.’ “I’ve loved and I’ve lost but that’s not what I see because look what I found ain’t no need for searching, rounding out my 2018 with a very gorg THANK U NEXT.”



Previously, Van Ness had included a hashtag that said #cheatersneverprosper, but has since removed it from the post.

Froneman made two posts about the break-up. The first was a cute picture of he and Van Ness on an ice rink, and the caption celebrated the relationship they shared:

“Not only did Jonathan van Ness give me the best moments of 2018, but undoubtedly the best moments of my life. I will always love him and cherish every moment we shared.”



His second post was more reactionary, clarifying “for the record that [he] was never unfaithful to Jonathan,” undoubtedly in reference to the deleted hashtag from Van Ness’s post. He continued: “Our breakup happened as a result of circumstances that I don’t fully understand, nor can explain but I enter 2019 with my feet planted firmly on the ground…”



Van Ness later admitted via Instagram stories that he probably spoke rashly and “should’ve sat with [himself] a bit longer before [he] posted [his] most recent post.”

Both have ultimately expressed a request for fans not to attack the other over social media.

The two had apparently only been dating several months, appearing together publicly at both the Emmys and the Creative Arts Emmys in September.

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Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.