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A Gay Girl's Guide to Sundance: Day One

A Gay Girl's Guide to Sundance: Day One

Writer and photographer Jenn Kennedy is on hand at Sundance to guide SheWired readers to the gay or lesbian-ish films this year's festival hast to offer, including the Four Faced Liar.

I flew into Salt Lake City yesterday afternoon. Once settled in, I ordered a margarita, the featured special drink from Delta. The flight attendant asked me what went in a margarita. Woah -- it was reminder that I was entering Mormon country, where they don't drink and don't do gay.

It's that time again. Park City has been overrun with the movie business. After years of trial and error, they have fine tuned it to a well oiled machine. Well -- more like a machine that is nearing a need for an oil change. Sundance has taken over the town. Restaurants are packed, as are the city buses, which run movie goers and deal makers from one function to the next. Everyone is buzzing about what parties are worth waiting in line and what movies must be bought.

So far, I've seen only one flick: Sins of My Father. It's the story of Pablo Escobar's reign of terror over Columbia, as told by his son. Through old footage and currrent interviews with his son (who changed his name to Sebastian), we see Escobar's rise to power, then slow, angry demise as he took on the government and competing drug cartels. It was certainly worth watching.

General motors is offering people rides to show off their new cars. I gladly took a ride into town and found my first film via their helpful Onstar lady, although she did have to hunt for while. The buses are a bit challenging. They run in all directions to the dozen or so theatres around town. I've been on the wrong bus and on the right bus in the wrong direction. I also got off too early and had to wait 30 minutes for the next one. All this is par for the course of Sundance. It's a figure it out as you go kinda place.

Next I'm heading to the GenArt Lounge, then off to interview the adorable talent from Four Faced Liar. Stay tuned!!



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Jenn Kennedy