This week, in my unquenchable quest for a reality fix, I began watching Bravo’s Dance Your Ass Off. I love seeing fat people on TV. It truly gives hope on a dark afternoon during swimsuit season.
This show is a perfect blend of fun and inspiration: think Biggest Loser meets So You Think You Can Dance. The fat folks they wrangled for the show are fierce and some of them already have an arsenal of dance moves.
Two girls busted out the splits for God’s sake! I found myself clapping in my own living room – proud of these perfect strangers for having the guts to wear dance outfits, shake what they had, let loose and enjoy themselves physically for the first time in a long time. I am setting my DVR now to make sure I do not miss one sweat-dropping toe-tapping episode.
The choreography was inspiring! I could feel my heart jumping with excitement as each roll of fat jiggled across the dance floor. Big people have finally arrived! I could, however, do without the chipper-dee-dipper-tip-toppety Marissa Jaret Winokur. I think she’s the perfect host in theory, after being successful in her own weight loss after her appearances on Dancing with the Stars. But her execution leaves me cold. She’s almost too happy, and it comes across kinda plastic-y.
Inspired by what I had seen on the screen I went out and bought myself the dance exercise system called Core Rhythms. I have learned to shake my hips with great vengeance, and my shoulders can shimmy like maracas. I’ve been working on my moves cuz I want to shoot a video to some of my new songs. Lookout Paula Abdul, here comes Jen Kober! And don't worry - It ain’t over til the fat lady sings…