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Buy Brittana's Break-Up Tissue Box

Buy Brittana's Break-Up Tissue Box

The website CharityBuzz is auctioning off a signed tissue box inspired by the Santana/Brittany Break-Up in the October 4 episode of Glee.


For anyone who considers herself a truly hard-core Gleek, CharityBuzz has an auction item you'll want to weigh in on: a tissue box inspired by the one Brittany and Santana used in last week's episode, "The Break Up." We aren't sure whether the box actually comes with tissues, but more importantly, it comes with Naya Rivera (Santana), Heather Morris (Brittany), and Ryan Murphy's signatures. Brittana will personalize their signatures for the winner of the auction, which is only open until Friday, October 12 at 3 p.m. EDT. 

At the moment, the highest bid is an impressive $1,850, meaning these tissues aren't for the weak of wallet. But hey, if it brings you one step closer to Brittana, it's totally worth it, right? 

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Sunnivie Brydum

<p>Sunnivie is an award-winning journalist and the managing editor at&nbsp;<em>The Advocate</em>. A proud spouse and puppy-parent, Sunnivie strives to queer up the world of reporting while covering the politics of equality daily.</p>

<p>Sunnivie is an award-winning journalist and the managing editor at&nbsp;<em>The Advocate</em>. A proud spouse and puppy-parent, Sunnivie strives to queer up the world of reporting while covering the politics of equality daily.</p>