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Azealia Banks' 'Dazed and Confused' Condom Cover Banned in Seven Countries

Azealia Banks' 'Dazed and Confused' Condom Cover Banned in Seven Countries

Bisexual rapper Azealia Banks kept up her provocative MO with a controversial cover photo in Dazed and Confused, which hit newsstands Wednesday.

Bisexual rapper Azealia Banks kept up her provocative MO with a controversial cover photo in Dazed and Confused, which hit newsstands Wednesday.

In the photo shot by Sharif Hamza and styled by Karen Langley, the mermaid-haired music artist holds an inflated raspberry-colored condom up to her mouth, as if she were smoking a cigar. Below her reads the playful headline “Azealia Banks Blows Up.”

The British fashion magazine stirred up the hype last week when it tweeted that the cover had incurred outrage before it was even released:



The offended countries include Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Malta, Switzerland, India and Thailand.

Did the cover live up to its hype?

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Lauren Jow