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Shirin Papillon Delivers OML+ - Your Lesbian Hulu!

Shirin Papillon Delivers OML+ - Your Lesbian Hulu!

You should probably know this article was almost not written thanks to the Internet’s most prolific lesbian time assassin --- OML is an online curator of all Sapphic media. The website provides girls-who-like-girls a one-stop shop for web series, movies, commercials and almost anything to procrastinate gayly with. And with today’s launch of OML+, I may never be productive again. OML+ allows users to stream lesbian films for a small rental fee.

You should probably know this article was almost not written thanks to the Internet’s most prolific lesbian time assassin --- OML is an online curator of all Sapphic media. The website provides girls-who-like-girls a one-stop shop for web series, movies, commercials and almost anything to procrastinate gayly with. And with today’s launch of OML+, I may never be productive again. OML+ allows users to stream lesbian films for a small rental fee.

“The idea is that we would be the lesbian Netflix or the lesbian Blockbuster,” said the website’s founder Shirin Papillon.

Papillon says OML+ will immediately give users access to 30 feature films and that short films will be added soon. In addition to hours and hours of films, TV shows, and web series OML will be adding more written content in its “In Words” section and eventually hopes to connect lesbian and bisexual women with music, books, and all things lesbian.

Papillon, who has an entertainment background as a producer, was doing research for a “lesbian Mad Men” type show when she realized that searching for phrases like “lesbian TV,” “lesbian films,” and “lesbian web series” led her to mostly porn.

“I just had one of these ‘Well there should be a site where you can find good lesbian content …  one site where there’d be films, video, web series, commercials, any content that’s not adult,’” said Papillon.

Since then Papillon has been piecing together a team and trolling the World Wide Web for quality content (emphasis on the world). Papillon doesn’t limit herself to American produced content. Her team, based all over the world, aids OML in searching the globe for the best lesbian content.

“I think that a lot of people in the states often treat the states like a planet instead of realizing that there’s a lot of great work that comes from other places.”

She said some of the best content comes from Germany and Spain, but has used content from all over the world. A South Korean one-off based on The L Word, was available on OML.

“The beauty of the net is that you’re not restricted to a certain country and we really wanted to utilize that.”

What’s even more terrible news for my productive life is that OML is constantly finding and posting new material. It’s not like I can camp out on my couch for one week avoiding everything on my to-do list and watch every lesbian video ever made and be done. Papillon said OML adds at least five new videos a day, which has become easier since OML first launched. Papillon said she gets help from OML users who point her to new material and that the website has become sort of interactive in that way. While lesbians may not have the mainstream visibility we would like and may complain about male dominated gay culture, Papillon is positive.

“Everyone complains about the dearth of lesbian content on TV, but if you pull it all together from all the different countries, all the different independent film makers, it’s pretty substantial.”

Check out OML here.


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Camille Roane