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Lisbeth Salander To Kick Ass In Millenium Trilogy Graphic Novels From DC

Lisbeth Salander To Kick Ass In Millenium Trilogy Graphic Novels From DC

I am pretty sure I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a good story about a hot, smart and strong tattooed bisexual chick that kicks ass and doesn’t give up. The Millennium Trilogy books, also known as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books, by Stieg Larsson are continually on every bestseller list around the world, the Swedish versions of the films are amazing (if you haven’t seen them, cue up your Netflix right now), and David Fincher’s American film remakes are sure to be a smashing success. Now, for those of you not keen on reading books without pictures, subtitles or watching movies, DC Entertainment’s Vertigo imprint has secured the worldwide rights to adapt Lisbeth Salander’s adventures into graphic novels.

I am pretty sure I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a good story about a hot, smart and strong tattooed bisexual chick that kicks ass and doesn’t give up. The Millennium Trilogy books, also known as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo books, by Stieg Larsson are continually on every bestseller list around the world, the Swedish versions of the films are amazing (if you haven’t seen them, cue up your Netflix right now), and David Fincher’s American film remakes are sure to be a smashing success. Now, for those of you not keen on reading books without pictures, subtitles or watching movies, DC Entertainment’s Vertigo imprint has secured the worldwide rights to adapt Lisbeth Salander’s adventures into graphic novels.

The story will be split into six graphic novels, two for each book in the series, the first of which should hit shelves (and digital devices) in early 2012. The last graphic novel in the series is slated for release in 2014.

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“The intricate characters and stories Larsson created in the Millennium Trilogy are a perfect match for the graphic novel format, where we can bring Lisbeth Salander to life in entirely new, visually compelling ways,” Dan DiDio, Co-Publisher of DC Entertainment stated in a press release. “It’s a distinct honor to work on a story that is already so popular with millions of readers around the world.”

I personally have never read a graphic novel, and have never been much for comic-type things, but know that I will be among the first people to have my pre-order submitted! AfterEllen pointed out that the novels will be available as both digital and print editions, making DC the largest digital comic creator in the US, and if they get ten percent of the original books’ readership it would mean an unprecedented number of graphic novel sales. That’s just one more way for Lisbeth to kick ass.

I am interested to see how The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest and The Girl Who Played With Fire will look as graphic novels, and completely excited that there will soon be another way to feed my Lisbeth obsession.

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