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This Wacky Chair for Bisexuals is Something We All Need

This Wacky Chair for Bisexuals is Something We All Need

This Wacky Chair for Bisexuals is Something We All Need

Why sit straight when you can sit queer?


It’s well documented throughout history (or at least recently, on the internet) that bisexuals just don’t know how to sit in a damn chair. If you don’t believe it, all you’ve got to do is literally go look at any bisexual sitting down and you’ll find a mess of limbs sprawled out in all the wrong ways.

Chairs just are not made for the bi crowd.

Until now.

A woodworker with a bi daughter decided to build his kid a chair that actually suited her needs.

“So, an artist named Má Matiazi drew this awesome sketch “The Bi-Chair: for people who can’t sit straight,” Israel Walker wrote on Facebook. “My daughter (who identifies as bisexual genderfuck) thinks that her and other LGBTQ+ folks inability to sit “normally” is hilarious. So I asked Má if I could make my own rough style of Bi-Chair and she said yes!”

Truly, it turned out amazing, and just makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE than “normal” chairs. Who sits with their back straight and their feet planted firmly on the ground anyway?? Not bisexuals, that’s for sure. And honestly, not any member of the LGBTQ community that I’ve ever met.

And of course now that the internet has seen this design brought to life in all its complicated glory, everyone is clamoring for mass production.

While we're pretty sure there aren't any vendors out there creating furniture specifically for queers at the's certainly never too soon to start. Supply and demand, people! 

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Rachel Kiley

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.

Rachel Kiley is presumably a writer and definitely not a terminator. She can usually be found crying over queerbaiting in the Pitch Perfect franchise or on Twitter, if not both.