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Op-Ed: Would Martin Luther King Jr. have fought for LGBTQ+ rights?

This Monday, we will mark 38 years of observing Martin Luther King Day. Some states began honoring Dr. King on January 20, 1986.

Op-ed: Remembering Thanksgiving

A time for reflection...

Op-ed: The Right's War on Christmas - The 2013 Edition! 

On her recent show The Kelly File, Fox News Channel host Megyn Kelly ignited a conflagration when she stated that both Jesus and Santa Claus are white.

Op-Ed: Black, Gay and Living with the SCOTUS' Gutting of the Voting Rights Act

I now have had ample time to recover—from both shock and in awe—from the Supreme Courts historic decisions announced in the final week of June.

Op-Ed: Linking Selma to Stonewall Divides Black Community

President Barack Obama's inaugural address was the most inclusive speech a president has ever given. It was delivered on the 27th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the President honored King's legacy when he eloquently spoke of how the many U.S. liberation movements, both current and historic, are interconnected.

Op-Ed: A Month to End Bullying

Rev. Irene Monroe calls on friends, family and community leaders to end the bullying epidemic that takes the lives of too many LGBTQ youth.

Op-Ed: Will Obama’s Support of Marriage Equality Keep Black Voters Home on Election Day?

African Americans have worked hard to get the vote and to get a man of African descent in the White House. In 2008 we came out in unprecedented numbers with Obama taking 95% of the black vote, thanks to the help of his biggest support base - African American ministers and their parishioners.

Remember Our Homeless LGBTQ Youth this Holiday Season

When I think of the birth of Jesus, one of the themes that looms large for me is LGBTQ youth and young adult homelessness.

Op-ed: Martin Luther King's Expansive Dream

King's vision of inclusion and community is far wider that we might have once imagined. And his vision always included lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

Op-ed: Us Dykes March to a Different Beat

A history of the Boston Dyke March.

Op-Ed: From Matthew Shepard to Trayvon Martin - Bigotry Knows No Boundaries

The nation is once again divided alone the fault line of race. In a perceived 2013 post-racial society, however, William Faulkner's prophetic quote "The past is never dead. It's not even past," has come back to haunt us in this century. Faulkner’s quote resonates now more than ever following the George Zimmerman verdict.

Op-ed: Another Tackle In The World of Homophobic Sports

Another former professional athlete has came out last month—6’, 7” Jamaican-born NFL offensive tackle Kwame Harris.

Op-Ed: Was There a P.C. Way for Tarantino to Portray Slavery in 'Django Unchained?'

2013 is making it difficult to avoid one of America’s greatest sins—slavery. We’ve just marked the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and a plethora of films, documentaries and TV specials that address slavery are slated for release.

Op-ed: Finding Home For the Holidays

Let us make home, if not with biological family, then certainly with beloved friends.

Op-Ed: The Military's Ban on What it Deems 'Nappy' Hair

The military was out of line with its new restrictions on hair, and this history of oppression goes way back.

Op-Ed: Remembering Sakia Gunn: the News Coverage and Homophobic Murder

This May 11th sadly marked the 10th anniversary of the murder of Sakia Gunn of Newark, N.J. Her murder is mired, at best, by myths and, at worst, by malicious intent.

Op-Ed: It's Time for a Queer-Friendly Pope

Just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his unexpected resignation, a bolt of lightning struck St. Peter’s Basilica. "With the pope’s impending resignation, the church has an opportunity to turn away from his oppressive policies toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Catholics, and their families and friends, and develop a new understanding of the ways in which God is at work in the lives of faithful and loving people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity."

Op-Ed- Is it Homophobic of the the AP Stylebook to Ban the Word Homophobia?

The editors at the Associated Press Stylebook have announced that they are “discouraging” use of the word "homophobia." The AP Stylebook is the widely used guide that media use to standardize terms and general usage.

Op-Ed: Escobar Shocked 'Maricon' is a Slur - Homophobia and Sports Culture

Homophobia is part and parcel of male professional sports. Gay epithets are so pervasive among players that they are sadly totally unaware of the weight and meaning of the terms.