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A Lesbian Muslim Unveiled - Moving Forward with Muslims for Progressive Values

A good friend of mine and I were getting into a heated debate at Starbucks—naturally—over whether or not it’s possible to reconcile Islam with the LGBTQ community. My friend Zara was outed by her strict Muslim Pakistani family at the age of 19 when they read through her diary while she was away at work one evening. The scene awaiting her arrival was ugly. No longer able to see a place for herself in Islam, she broke ties with her beloved religion—and with her family. Why do so many gay Muslims self-segregate themselves rather than modify their interpretation of their faith to be more inclusive?

SWOP Co-founder Robyn Few Will Be Missed but Not Forgotten

Robyn Few, co-founder of Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP), died this Thursday from cancer. Few had been living with the illness for several years and continued to travel the world to spread awareness for sex worker’s rights until her untimely death. A woman of unabashed determination to bring justice to sex workers, Few worked tirelessly for the simplest of human rights and was fundamental in commencing December 17th as International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

Texas' First Openly LGBT State Rep Mary Gonzalez Clarifies She Identifies as Pansexual

Mary Gonzalez, the first openly LGBT official headed toward the Texas House of Representatives, said she wanted to clarify that she is pansexual. Initial reports said that she identified as a lesbian, but a more recent interview with Gonzalez of El Paso reveals that she truly identifies as pansexual

Lesbian Herstory Archives Presents Marathon Book Reading - Maybe Meet Smart Girls!

A whole different sort of fun will continue into the wee hours of morning this weekend if you’re game. If you adore Audre Lorde and Adrienne Rich as much as we do then join the Lesbian Herstory Archives this Saturday in celebrating their lives with a marathon reading of their brilliant poetry, essays and unpublished papers, including readings from Lorde’s Zami and Rich’s Institution of Motherhood.

Catching Up With Janis Ian

Janis Ian is a woman on the move. The legendary singer/songwriter is in the middle of a U.S. tour when her convoy pulls over somewhere in the Northwest mountains and she takes the opportunity to sit down for a brief interview. We talk about the recent release of the audio book version of her 2008 autobiography Society’s Child, which spans over half a century of Ian’s artistic career and personal achievements.

Camille Bloom Is Ready to School You

The lesbian singer-songwriter opens up about her teacher-turned-rocker journey, her personal lyrics, and fighting back against those negative voices in your head.

Lesbian Couple's Suit Against Vermont Inn Settled

New York lesbian couple Ming and Kate Linsley have reached a settlement in their lawsuit against the Wildflower Inn in Lyndonville, Vt., which had refused to host the couple’s wedding reception in 2005.