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20 really tall men we'd happily climb like a tree

We're talking 6'3" and taller!

15 Ways to Avoid Being Body Conscious This Summer

You would never judge other people's bodies so harshly—so why are you doing it to yourself?

25 LGBTQ+ friendly country artists you should know about

Y’all are gonna love ‘em.

23 Thoughts Closeted Gay Boys Had While Shopping at Abercrombie

I need the biggest bottle of "Fierce" you have, please. 

23 Things Every Gay Guy in College Experiences at Least Once 

23 Things Every Gay Guy in College Experiences at Least Once 

Yes, we’ve all snuck out of a window or backdoor before…

23 Reasons Why Sunday Funday Is Actually the Best Day to Party

The Lord’s day AND the gays’ day. 

19 Reasons Why Being Single in 2019 Is Actually the Best

Don’t stress—everyone else is single too.

30 things every gay guy in college experiences at least once

Yes, we’ve all snuck out of a window or backdoor before…

19 Teen Movies From The '90s & '00s That Every Gay Boy Loved

Brace yourself for so much NOSTALGIA!

13 Ways to Avoid Being Body Conscious This Summer

13 Ways to Avoid Being Body Conscious This Summer

You would never judge other people's bodies so harshly—so why are you doing it to yourself?

18 Olympic Hopefuls Vying for Tom Daley's Muscle-Twink Throne

Tom Daley’s has the gold medal for muscle-twink Olympians, but these athletes are are coming for his gig.

28 Fully-Tatted Hunks Who Prove We Always Fall for Bad Boys

Tatted from neck to naval, head to toe.

13 Costume Ideas That Are Mostly Just a Simple Speedo

Show off that BOOooooty.

31 Ways to Combat Your Post-Pride Blues

Pride Month may be over, but the party shouldn’t stop!

14 Reasons You Should Definitely Date a Disney Geek

Happily ever after, duh!