Disney's 1989 animated film The Little Mermaid is an absolute classic that tells the story of a beloved mermaid named Ariel who just wants to explore the world beyond her bubble—but what if the gender roles in the film were swapped, and instead of being a mermaid princess, Ariel was a prince who also just wanted to explore the surface for himself?
That's what artist and animator Mark Scarnander did in a recent video where he created the male version of Ariel, and seriously, the results are swoon-worthy!
Using a cover of the song by male singer Mike Zubi, Scarnander recreated the film's iconic "Part of Your World" scene in his gender-bent style, and we've seriously been playing it on repeat non-stop. Male Ariel is an absolute, red-headed snacc, and we're not ashamed to admit it!
And can you really blame us for loving him?!? Just LOOK at him!
I know we've only just met, but I would literally do anything for male Ariel!!!
Watch the gender-swapped version of "Part of Your World" in the video below! And for more of Mark Scarnander's animation, be sure to subscribe to his YouTube channel!