What started out as small dance party in a sweaty basement club in East London in June of 2016 has now grown into a full on, international, queer brand. Daddy Issues, founded by Oly Innes and Borja Peña, just released the second issue of their zine. The first issue was a celebration of the male body. And their second issue, entitled "Meet Me in the Flesh," is a continuation of that celebration of the male form.
The issue is 84 pages of too hot to handle queer art and photography and is made up of 22 different photo stories from all over the world. There are stories shot in Australia, India, Paris, London, New York, Canada, and Madrid. Aesthetically inspired by gentlemen's magazines from the '70s and '80s, Daddy Issues’ mission is to create an extremely sex-positive space that gives artists and models a platform to create work that is uncensored, inclusive, diverse, and celebrates all different kinds of queer subjects, juxtaposing masculinity and femininity in true Daddy Issues style!